Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hey All.

I started this blog actually a couple months ago.


I accidently deleted it before it was actually created. And I think I actually made it on tumblr. But who knows. Now it's here.

I am sure that my life's greatest passion is the Earth. Our beloved Planet. Earth gave us life and we should cherish it. We should do whatever we can to preserve it, restore it to its former glory and have a symbiotic relationship with it.

I love people too though. And what do ya know, much of our planet's degradation goes hand in hand with the people's. I'm sure I'll post plenty of this connection that a multitude of people fail to see. But it is not only people/planet issues that concern me. The people of the impoverished, women's rights, the LGBT community, immigration issues, healthcare...the list continues quite a way. But this blog is not just about bad things. Of course not. I love people and their different languages and cultures. Je les aime tout!

But it's important we look at the progress that has been made at the issues in hand. Some countries and businesses are getting the hint to make their services and products more sustainable. People are getting healthier for themselves and for the planet. There seems to be more organizations than ever that are working towards a brighter, eco-friendlier future. LGBT individuals can now serve their military. Progress has been made but we need to make sure we sustain the progress that has been made as well as continuing this.

And, at last Purpose. We all have a purpose here, everyone's is a little different. I believe that everyone has multiple purposes here on Earth-we each can do many things. Some purposes last longer than others. If you're worried about your purpose-don't. Take however much time you need to figure it out. And sometimes the best way to do that is to try everything out there.

This blog's purpose is to write about these topics and what their progress is. The people that are involved and even the planets. I'm looking forward to sharing with you what I found, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, and even the Divine, if I'm lucky to pick something up on it ;)

Well thanks for sticking through my first entry of this blog. I hope you come back occasionally to it.


Much Peace and Love,


Currently Listening to: God, Jack's Mannequin Feat. Mick Fleetwood
Current Quote: "I wish more people cared about Earth as much as they cared about who they believe created it" (credit tohttp://some.ly/he6kGr)